Club Penguin Blog: Marvel Super Hero Takeover Sneak Peek
On the Club Penguin Blog today Billybob has posted a sneak of the Marvel Super Hero Takeover! I do not know if the room is the Plaza or Town. I think it’s the Plaza. Which do you think?
Anyway, in the image given you see a part of the room and some of the many new costumes that will be released in the Gift Shop!
You can also see other moderators:
- Loustik005
- Gajotz
- Tato Maxx
- Federflink1
The following page has been updated:
Where is that is that the town or the plaza that looks most likely the Plaza
It’s hard to tell.
It’s the Plaza – it has the entrance to the Underground Pool at the far left.
Of course its the Plaza, you can see the manhole there.
It Has to be the plaza Because u can see the underground cap!!!!
Wow 3 people said almost the same thing!
Uhmmm…. What about that yellow ring?
I think its because there moderators.
Its the plaza, because you can see the tunnel to the underground pool.
Its the Plaza Train. 1, look at the video once more and you may be able to tell. 2, you can see the manhole with a lightning bolt cover which implies that it’s the Pool.
Its the plaza you can see the hole to the pool there
I think it is the plaza, I think you should list the new moderators in this picture and put it on this post.
It’s plaza because the first building on the left has a light blue like the pet shop not the coffee shop
It’s the Plaza. I looked at one post about the party rooms and reviewed it and it is the Plaza.
Why are the rings yellow
It’s the plaza? Cause I see the hole thingy leads to the pool right? Yeah..I see it…
wow is that yellow rings below them???
I’m Very sure it is the Plaza. Watch the Game On video to check it.
Hey, Trainman1405, i wonder, what is the yellow circle around the Penguins
I do not know.
The yellow circles are for the good guys
The black circles are for the bad guys
It might indicate if the penguin is a citizen, hero, or villain.
Its the town because in the left there is the pool entry!!!!!
You mean plaza
Yellow Circles are for SuperHero Penguins. Super Villains have blue or green circles. Citizens doesnt have circles at all, I think.
you’re right
Because there is a manhole there, does not mean it is the Plaza or Town. They both have one in the same place. Try reviewing the design of the buildings. ;)
Its the Plaza because of the manhole that leads to that dark place where Protobot will we on.
Look at this link please
yeah your right you can tell its the Plaza it has the pool on the left what do you think Trainman1405??
I think Plaza.
its the plaza