Unlock The Celadon Alien Mask & Celadon Alien Costume With These Codes!

By / April 27, 2012

As you might recall, earlier this month I posted images of the Celadon Alien Mask and Celadon Alien Costume. Within the past day or so the codes have been posted by several Club Penguin Blogs. I always wait on posting codes, since I am against posting them if you need to purchase something in order to obtain the code. (book codes, etc)

However, after emailing Club Penguin it seems to be okay. I knew the codes were German related due to German words being in them. Here’s what Club Penguin said to me:

“I can confirm that the codes you provided us with were a special promotion for kids living in Germany only.”

To unlock the Celadon Alien Mask use the code UFOMASKE. (Maske is the German word for mask)

To unlock the Celadon Alien Costume use the code UFOANZUG. (Anzug is the German word for costume)

Enjoy! Thanks to Lebron2423 for bringing these codes to my attention.

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Santa Jr

Santa Jr

I have unlocked this :)



Hi trainman, i recognise those items and im not sure , but are they old items ? I know that Clubpenguin is going to be AWESOME this year because they let us unlock such a cool item =D i love it and maybe this code has sometinge to do with the party in June ( Saving the city or destroying it , Alien costumes ) :)



is there annything clubpenguin related in belguim ? annyway if i find sometinge in a magazine that is cp related thrn i wll tell it to u :)

And i think that the free item at the medieval party will be The Noble helmet OR arctic white cuz of the round shape of the free item on the drawed sneak peek.



Cool! I love it when cp gives out free items!



thanks this are good great codes!!!

Yellow Crown

Yellow Crown

More specifically they’re 2 exclusive codes for the German magazine ‘Micky Maus Magazin’. There must be an article about Club Penguin there… and I bet there is an exclusive info related to the code and party in June. I suggest you ask on Twitter your German followers to lend a hand ;)



Hey trainman, u should see this.
Combine the Celadon Alien mask with the Ghost costume ( the free body item at last year’s Halloween party =D ) i don’t know if u like that combination but i think its pretty funny .
BTW : my green headphones combined with those alien items are looking AWESOME on my playercard =D



Look what I found! http://prntscr.com/8lpu6 Give credit to me.



oh that’s able to unlock now, i went to target and saw a blue puffle with the knight helmet. its already out

nerf 5678

nerf 5678

im back!



is puffle hats gonna be in the medieval party?since the picture with the puffle toys have medival hats.



Don’t know.