Club Penguin Field Ops #77 Cheats

By / April 12, 2012

The 77th field ops mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 12th of April. This is the fifteenth field ops mission for 2012. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Then waddle over to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

Gary’s orders for this week are are as follows:

We’ve tried twice to lure Herbert out of hiding, using EPF secrets and technology. This week, we’re going to try something drastic. Here are your orders. Find a computer outside of our headquarters. Break into EPF security, and leave the computer unattended.

Go to the Recycling Room by the computer.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Op mission by decrypting the passcode. This is done by matching the correct shape.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Gary.

It reads:

Well done Agent! Breaking through EPF security is no easy matter, but I’m not surprised you had the skill to do so. Don’t worry about a security breach. I’ll be watching that computer closely. If anyone tries to access EPF files, I’ll shut it down.

If you are still confused and need help, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next time for Club Penguin Field Ops 78 Cheats!

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How do you insert a video into a WordPress post? :D



I think for (I use self hosted so it’s different) it’s [youtube=URL]



Okay, thanks.

AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

You didn’t update the tracker! L0L I cheak there first! :D

AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez




I know, I’m too busy to do it right now. I will soon!