Yes, Club Penguin Removed The Text From Face Paints!

By / March 24, 2012

Yesterday after Club Penguin released the updates for the week I was greeted with a few comments by viewers letting me know that the text has been removed from all the Face Paint icons in the clothing inventory. I checked and it was indeed gone, however while this unexpected change seemed recent I was not 100% sure. Nobody (to my knowledge) had posted about it at the time, but I knew who to turn to – Saraapril. She has a fantastic eye for detail in the game, so I figured I would ask her if she knew if this was a brand new update. She did some investigating and she confirmed that this was indeed a brand new update. All of the face paint colours (red, blue, green, black, orange, etc) now look like this:

Up until this point they had the text on them with the colour specified:

Some people believe this is a bug, however I do not personally think it is since it was done to all of them, and it’s not like text is removing from every item.

All in all, I just thought I’d share this light detail change Club Penguin made with you all. A special thank you to Penguiin23 and Bob B 123 for commenting with this update, and Saraapril for helping me research this. It’s great to see the Club Penguin Community working together!

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trainman by the way i saw a red light from the shipwreck island in the beacon telescope. i don’t know if you posted about it.
just saying



It’s from Rockhopper’s Quest when the Beacon was built on Shipwreck Island. :)



In other languages, it was always like that, because they couldn’t have the word BLUE on a Spanish server, for example.

Personally, I prefer it with the word on it. I wonder why Club Penguin changed it.

AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

Yeah, so did I.



I agree also!

Lenny Thai

Lenny Thai

Hay! I tweeted it that yesterday. You didn’t give me credit. :(



THANKS for including me:)But can you add a clickable link back to my site? THANKS.
Best Fishes,



I had a dream club penguin would once do that.

Bob B 123

Bob B 123

Thanks Train For Including Me TOO!

Your Feathered Friend,
~Bob B 123~