New Free Item At Beach – Life Vest
Club Penguin has added another item to the Beach for Rockhopper’s Quest! Some of you might already have it, as when the Migrator sank in January 2008 this was his free item, the Life Vest. If you don’t have it, be sure to grab it! In a week when the party ends it will be gone.
The following pages have been updated:
Much better! That sailors hat was pretty lame.
Agreed.This should be a rare item and may not come back in a few years again.
But what if someone missed the sailor hat? They should’ve added a barrel instead of replacing it. Oh, well, at least I got it.
You snooze you lose I guess. Same goes for pins and all other items, you only have a short period to get them, some being longer than others.
it wont let me have it it doesent even say you already have this item it just wont let me close enough to get it
Try logging off and back on.
:D Now, in 2012 it will be rare!