Club Penguin Field Ops #74 Cheats

By / March 23, 2012

The 74th field ops mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 23rd of March. This is the twelfth field ops mission for 2012. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Then waddle over to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

His orders are:

Dot has a plan. We are going to plant some EPF technology out the open, and see if Herbert steals it. There’s a broken Aqua Grabber somewhere Underground. Find it and power up its computer core. Let’s see if it goes missing.

Go to the Aqua Grabber at the Hidden Lake.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Ops mission by powering the chipset. This is done by the micro battery to recharge the chips. Don’t get hit too many times!

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Dot.

It reads:

Well done Agent. Since we’ve got all of Herbert’s known bases under control, he’ll be looking to steal technology. If this doesn’t work, we’ll keep leaving more and more technology in the open. It’s risky, but it might just work.

If you are still confused and need help, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next time for Club Penguin Field Ops 75 Cheats!

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First line,word is 74th not ht and I thought the message was from Dot and not Gary?



It was a mistake. I’m fixing that + the typo now. Thank you!