Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: April Fools
Happy77 has posted another reviewed by you on the Club Penguin Blog. Last time she asked us what our favourite Club Penguin Party is, and Cat956 said:
“I love the new features in the puffle party, but I have to say that in my books the Medieval Party has to take the cake. It is an original Club Penguin party and almost every single room on Club Penguin has been decorated. It is a chance for all penguins to get together, decorate their igloos, and have fun. The thing that separates this party from the rest is the quests. They are awesome! It provides a challenge for penguins whether it’s a puzzle or a fight with a dragon, it always provides a great deal of fun for penguins. Waddle On! :)”
The following page has been updated:
I wish they could have asked what your least favorite thing at the April Fools party? besides that barely any rooms are decorated. AHHHHHHHHH. Why can’t they do one like last year? it was way more fun! especially the dock, town, and everything
I love your april fools day joke!!! Trololo face, the “Why you no” guys face, and so much more. IT IS SO FUNNY!!!