Anti-Bullying Day At Club Penguin – Wear Pink!
A quick new post has been made by Happy77 on the Club Penguin Blog. This is a bit different than usual. It’s still related to the game, but not in the way you might think. In Canada, the last Wednesday of February (which was yesterday) is Anti-Bullying Day. To show their support against bullying, employees at the office wear pink. (although one man in the back centre-right has a black shirt on)
In fact, Happy77 is inviting you to wear a pink shirt on Club Penguin to help show your support again bullying. Remember, if you’re being bullied, there are resources out there to help you out! It does get better. Trust me. :)
In addition to this, Happy77 also let us know that soon she’ll post a sneak peek of March’s stuff on the blog, so stay tuned for that!
The following page has been updated: