Club Penguin January 2012 Furniture Catalog Items Exclusive

By / January 11, 2012

Once again Club Penguin has updated some of their files, this time listing some unreleased furniture items. I’m assuming they’ll be in the upcoming January 2012 Better Igloos Furniture Catalog. They most likely will be, seeing there are no other unreleased items listed that could fit. All of these items are for members and are floor items. I do not have images like usual. The items are:

  • Tidal Pools for 400 coins
  • Sea Stones for 200 coins
  • Ancient Archway for 600 coins
  • Treasure Chest for 250 coins (a new Treasure Chest, not the old one)
  • Sunken Pillar for 350 coins
  • Sunken Wall for 425 coins
  • Sunken Arch for 450 coins

These items will either be released tomorrow, January 12th, or next week, January 19th.

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Cool! I must have missed them when I was looking in their files this morning.



??? how on earth do you look in their files???



Trainman1405 tht doe’s not help aha