Herbert Is Gone/Missing On Club Penguin!

By / January 26, 2012

If you check out the security camera monitoring Herbert at the EPF Command Room, you’ll see Herbert is gone! Uh oh!

While this is not a good thing, it’s nice that soon the EPF will be more exciting. Do you think the Blackout will be coming to the island soon?

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AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

OMG Finally! Oh and did anyone else realize what happened to the DOJO?




AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

It’s probably an avalanch or something I guess! Dont you think?

AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

Oh wait NVM they probably werent done tilting it NVM! Forget my comment!



wait can someone tell me what happened to the dojo the only thing different i can tell is that its a tipped along with the rest of cp