Club Penguin February 2012 Furniture Catalog Items

By / January 19, 2012

Even though Club Penguin released their January 2012 Furniture Catalog today, that doesn’t mean there are no unreleased items for next month in their files! I just checked and there is a whole bunch of them. It seems like next month’s furniture catalog will be a mixture of new prehistoric furniture and fashion items to go along with next month’s first ever Fashion Show. All of the items are members only (obviously) and are all floor items. The 11 unreleased items are:

  • Cavern Couch for 450 coins
  • Cavern Chair for 350 coins
  • Dinosaur Skull for 500 coins
  • Dinosaur Bones for 250 coins
  • Sewing Table for 450 coins
  • Mannequin for 200 coins
  • Catwalk for 575 coins
  • Violet Velvet Rope for 196 coins (probably a typo and will be 195 coins)
  • Judge’s Tables for 300 coins
  • Judge’s Chair for 200 coins
  • Fashion Box Boxes for 350 coins

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LOL THE CATWALK SOUNDS AWESOME! It’s maybe a cat waling. xD



catwalk means a long stage for fashion show



what the heck? Prehistoric items like 2010? Maybe they have something to do with Rckhoppers Quest? Or was that moved due to the fashion show, although it only lasts a few days? Confused 0.0