Club Penguin Field Ops 61 Cheats

By / December 22, 2011

The 61st field ops mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 22nd of December. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Go to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

His orders are:

The security system in Herbert’s cell is on alert. Clearly, it is not working properly.

Please check the video feed in the Command Room, and disable the alarm for now. We’ll turn it back on after the holidays.

Stay in the Command Room. Head over to the chair in front of the security feed.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Ops mission by repairing the system. This is done by guiding the bot with directions.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Gary.

It reads:

Well done Agent. I think you’ll agree that there’s no security risk in Klutzy visiting Herbert during the holidays.

As members of the EPF, we must protect the island at any cost, from any danger. But we aren’t Scrooges. Happy holidays, Agent.

If you are still confused, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next time for Club Penguin Field Ops 62 Cheats!

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train guess what????

I just found RH again!!! this time my brother and sisters got his background and stamp too! oh and rockie805 did too!



Five minutes after finding him on the same server and room, Tante Arctic appeared!! Tante Arctic is Aunt Arctic in french. I’m wondering though, is it a coincidence, or a hack even. This is why. It was in the same server and room only five minutes after Rh was there and it gave me the old BG again. ???



Hey Xbird,I believe the AA background you got really was the old one,so,maybe it is a hack and were you in a English server?



lol all of a sudden I’m finding Famous Mascots! xD