Club Penguin Memories 12 Days Of Contests: Day 5

By / December 18, 2011

Hi all! We’re up to day five in my 12 days of contests – I can’t believe we’re almost halfway done! I just wanted to remind you that on Day 7 I’ll be announcing the first six winners. (On December 20, Tuesday, I will announce who has won so far)

Anyway, today’s task is slightly different – it’ll require thinking. All you need to do is comment with an idea on how I can make Club Penguin Memories even better! It could be theme wise, feature wise, content wise – whatever you want. I will then randomly select a response. The winner will receive a Card-Jitsu Code. Good luck, and have fun being creative!

By the way, it doesn’t mean I’ll actually use the ideas. I might though, who knows? ;)

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You should add a forum , similiar to MCCP with different sub-forums like CP discussion , spoilers & secrets, etc.



I think you should keep changing themes and make the page fun
With constest or making partys and do shout outs



Well you should create more animate penguins over all the webpage, also there is missing more color, more spirit and even music! I will like more parties from you too and you should have an original twitter and xat :)



I thought maybe, with your new thing where old posts automatically load, you could add a “Return to Top” button. That would help!



You could change the background of your blog to the theme of Club Penguin at that time. Just one idea I had.

0 Sawyer 0

0 Sawyer 0

Holiday Party thema !!!



Trainman, there should be the pages at the TOP of the blog! :P



There are many pages with lost of interesting information about Club Penguin on your blog that some of the people don’t even notice because they are hidden on the right side of your site. I think you should make them more noticeable on the logo, like the Piczo design so people would notice them. Also, try to add the category name to the picture so it will be more noticeable when searching information in your site.



E-Mail: [removed]

You can put Holiday Party backgrouund, Holiday Party logo and Holiday Party banner!



Maybe you Should Put Some Music For Every Party On Club Penguin So People Will Like It Better. Just A Suggestion. Your Blog Rocks!



well i think the idea should be, actually i have a few the first is changing the theme to something holiday like and have more exclusives and tell us more secrets like how to get to club penguins files and stuff and those posts on this day in club penguin history are not that very interesting sorry because i have been on club penguin for a very long time. again sorry for that and i hope i win

Yellow Crown

Yellow Crown

Unique contests: Contests with Prizes not codes BUT Club Penguin toys! I’m trying to do so with my blog once I get the money. I think it’d be cool to see how it works for others.



you should add more posts about details cause I like the little stuff that changes too.



What you can do to make the site is include more pictures in your “this day in club penguin history” post and post more often



You should have a Club Penguin Memories background that has a lot of old pictures from your previous parties. That would look awesome!

Below Zero

Below Zero

For your theme I was thinking about having an animated theme! You could get some friends to help you in the Humbug Holiday play, and record the whole thing. Then it could snow and everything. Or the animated fireplace background from last year!



Maybe you could make a animation page with all of the special dances you could do.



I don’t think it needs any improvement, it’s perfect the way it is. [removed]



Well, I have a few ideas.

The blog is GREAT! The content in it is GREAT! However, I liked those buttons you coded for parties, could you start doing that again? Also, I think, if possible, try and do a contest every month. It doesn’t have to be a huge giveaway like this one, but even something like a private party or something like that. Maybe have a big contest every 2 months, than the other 2 months,s a smaller one.

Another thing (This is the last one), can you brong back CP Renders? I LOVED THAT SITE :O

~Your Friend, Brookelas



I think, you should replace rooms, catalogs & newspaper archives with SWF`s instead of ordinary pictures.



Club Penguin Memories should have a better coded template and make it Blue and the header will have buttons under it for pages!



I think that you could definitely make CP memories better by adding a different tracker I don’t know if it works for you but for me it always says still tracking. The best tracker I can think of for you to get would be the club penguiners tracker. Waddle on Trainman :)



Well, I have a lot of ideas, but I did have this one for a while: Maybe CP Memories could have its own forum? There are a lot of paid hosts you could use like vBulletin, XenForo and IP.board. However, vBulletin is REALLY expensive (although I ran a VB forum before, so if you decide to use that and go for this idea, I could help you with it). XenForo and IP.board aren’t too expensive. I think it’d be a great way for everyone here to know each other more. :)

Email: [removed]



You should make a page that has a picture of all the rooms and how they have updated over the years!



Try adding your own opinions to your posts about Club Penguin!



I would to see just 3 things:
1. Use your coding skills to make an awesome theme!
2. Some guides, like “Become a Tour Guide”, etc….
3. Funny pics…



I already have guides. ;)



A nice feature would be the “Did you know that…?”. An example – did you know that the max amount of coins you can have is 999999?” That would be awesome!



You don’t need to change your blog but change the bg of your blog becoz it is Christmas now .



How do we tell you the stuff that we think? do we email you?



You can comment on here or email me. Commenting is easier.



Change the theme to the Holiday Party ;). The CJ party is over.



Hire workers to do things you are too busy to do, such as trackers where all they do is search for the mascots.


Ice Cool 7

Ice Cool 7

Well I think it would be great with more Club Penguin History, that is the main reason I read your blog because it is chock filled with facts about CP and great previews. Perhaps adding more old Newspapers and Catalogs and maybe bringing back that section where you talk about History. Just my idea!



hi I think you should make a new theme every month! also I love how you can change the theme manually



Hmm I think you can organise mini games like hide and seek. For example, you are going to post 100 posts. One of these posts will have a picure inside. You will give half an hour to find that picure. The one who finds the picture first will win and the game will end. Also to win you must comment on that post. :)



Maybe putting a section about all the items in cp or have a Christmas theme for the sides of the page(currently fire that way.



Or making a whole big Bugs section and another section of unreleased things, sneak peeks, unreleased things found from CP’s core files. Or a whole list of all the known moderators and undercover mods.(Bussnismoose Super Sheep Iwantpizza Mace etc.)



A great update you could do, is separate the gadgets with borders and a different background because then they will attract more attention and visitors will read them easier and faster. Another cool thing that only a few blogs have, is a SWF guide, with all the different SWFs in Club Penguin. A lot of penguins search for them because e.g. is a good way to get information and cut-outs. They are very useful to make posts too. You could put your Recent Posts links at the top because visitors will navigate easier and get cheats and tips faster once they can see the links right after they enter the site.



I think you could have more authors! Also, you could add a Graphics Shop and change the Background and themes according to the current season/club penguin parties! Thanks!



In fact the blog is already perfect, but one thing that could have it, a designer was most striking, despite the simplicity behind this line. Everything is perfect, there is nothing to speak and to not be!



In fact the blog is already perfect, but one thing that could have it, a designer was most striking, despite the simplicity behind this line. Everything is perfect, there is nothing to speak and to not be



Well, i can pit a scroller menu, a Billybob tracker, and you can change the name to CPMemories! And in a sticky post you can put Welcome to CPMemories we hope you get fun here! And an image of all the team toghether! Saying: HAVE FUN IN OUR BLOG!



Well, i can pit a scroller menu, a Billybob tracker, and you can change the name to CPMemories! And in a sticky post you can put Welcome to the fun blog CP Memories we hope you get fun here! And an image of all the team toghether! Saying: HAVE FUN IN OUR BLOG!



Theme: You should put a Xmas-CFC theme during the party. For new year make the biggest header EVER and put “Happy 2012!”. Content: Jokes! You don’t have a Jokes Memories Page… I love them…
That’s all you need to make the Best Memories Blog EVER!



I have a couple ideas. You could have some more images on some of your posts. You could put spoiler alerts on your posts about unreleased items and parties, except your theories. I like those. Update the background of the website. I hope these suggestions helped :)



well obviously you have to put my new beta pics. duh



Your site is really cool. And this blog has originality compare to other blogs that are only the same. I just want to suggest to remove the trackers in the right side bar cause I think they are not working properly. And can you bring back old post button cause when I scroll down the page it automatically showing the old post. I’m just suggesting what can I do for your blog but it all depends in you if you are going to make a change or not.



Hmm… What about changing themes for your site (Christmas theme could be good now). Or you could put club penguin exclusives, hold more contests, what about a page for funny pictures? More parties too! um i dont know if my e-mail is required but anyway here it goes- [removed]



I suggest that you use the art Cain,Xbird and Rass made for you and combine them into a banner or theme and try to change the default theme into a kind of Holiday Party theme and next year like some Puffle Party theme. This site is great! Good luck with the updates for CP Memories:-)



It would be helpful if you put up the times and dates like pst time and date, set time and date, etc. There nothing really else you need to edit as your site already rocks.

Amy 19987

Amy 19987

I just wanna tell u in comment if its ok.


