Club Penguin Memories 12 Days Of Contests: Day 10

By / December 23, 2011

Day 10 of 12! Wow! This has gone fast. The winners will be announced soon. I’m sorry this is taking so long, I really am. Luckily I’ve come up with a few more ideas on how I can pick the winners! Before I list the task, vote in the poll for which item you want to win on day 12 – a coin code that unlocks three items from the treasure book or a one month membership. Whichever one gets the lesser amount of votes will be given out tomorrow on day 11.

Which do you want to try to win on the last day?

  • Coin code (unlocks 3 items) (58%, 62 Votes)
  • 1 month membership (42%, 45 Votes)

Total Voters: 107

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This weekend I will hopefully catch up on EVERYTHING. To win today’s prize, a code that unlocks the Pharaoh Puffle Hat and items from the treasure book, simply comment on this post answering this question:

“What do you like the most about the Holiday Party this year and why?

The length of the entry or what you say you like the most will not affect your chances of winning.

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One of my favorite parts of the party is the 12 days of gifts! It’s the firt time that Club Penguin gives out so many free items in a single party! But it’s not all about receiving, because you can also give a gift by sending a postcard with a special hat! I love that! Another of my favorite parts is the style that the Town, the Plaza, and the Ski Village have! They look like the perfect little village for the Holidays!

Thank you



I like the items that club penguin is giving out because non members and member are getting cool hats, pins,background, and especially the costume so non members can fell like member while wearing the gingerbread costume and also that we can explorer winter wonderland with our friends during the party

Bar Parchi(Rriity)

Bar Parchi(Rriity)

What i like the most about the holiday party this year is EVERYTHING! I love to change the world with coins for change and i donated over 50,000 coins! I love rockhopper and AA,and both of them came to the party! I love the santa sled and the new bakery! They are just awesome! I love the Atmosphere of the party with the music and the decorated rooms! And like i said in the biggining i love EVERYTHING! :D



I really like the advent calendar in the forest, because it’s nice for Club Penguin to give non-members the chance to get a body item. I also like the way the tree on the Iceberg gets better the more penguins there are! Oh, and can’t forget the Bakery! Yum yum!



I love Coins For Change! I love to help people who are sick, and don’t have hospitals, the ones who are poor, and don’t have money, and the environment, because we live in it! It’s a great opportunity to do a good thing on Christmas, especially when you know that you are changing the world with your generosity! You make a difference.



I like the fact that we’re given new items for 12 days, since I really like collecting items in cp.



I like Rockhopper’s rare items because he gives out the Globe Hat that i didn’t get when it was first released.



I personally like the advent calendar the most. I enjoy those free gifts and think cp is really nice for giving out so many free items for us.



What I like most about the holiday party is amazing decorations. This is one of the best looking Holiday parties Club Penguin has ever hosted :)



I like the most that Aunt Arctic is on. That`s because I missed her at the Anniversary party & I didnt got her stamp. Mascot stamps means so much to me & I thanx to CP, I had one more chance to meet her. Now I have all character stamps!



I like Bakery room. You can bake cookies and serve them to other penguins. It is very funny.



I liked several things this holiday season, Santa’s sleigh, had three free-items for members, the bakery was great, I love the apron and igloo, also non-members could also go! Coins For Change was too many donated coins. But best of all was the free-free of the forest. free is very nice, the best only comes in 25 days, finally returned to the CP to items the body to everyone!



I think my favorite thing at the holiday party is the decorations and where you get a item every single day



I like Gift Building in the forest because everyone will have a free gift!



I like the decorations and buildings mostly. But the music is nice and knowing that Aunt Arctic and Rockhopper are here!



As a non-member,the Holiday Party isn’t so exciting as it seems as the only features non-members can do is get the presents from the countdown calendar,donate,find Rockhopper or AA and thats it:( Well but seriously I wouldn’t be coming if not for those presents and finding mascots while also donating about all my money.



I like the Advent calender. I like the idea that CP is being more generous to non-members by giving away items such as the ginger bread costume.




My favourite part if the forest because it gives out free stuff



I like the gift calender best!



I hope i win!



What I like most about the holiday party this year is the advent calender in the forest. In past years club penguin have us a present we buy and put in our iglo and have it open on Xmas day but the calender is more fun, everyday we get a new gift and on Xmas we a brand new item for all to have, it just feels more like the giving spirit of Christmas.



What I like most about the holiday party is that we have 12 FREE Gifts. I also love the FREE Igloo and the Bakery because anything free is just awesome! And the bakery, well I adore cookies! :)



my favorite part of the holiday party this year is trying to meet aunt arctic again and rock which i never have met and all the free items are also fun



coins for change for sure weve almost filled the lighthouse to the word goal with two maybe three days left to reach the goal and shortly after christmas tons of money will get donated to charities all around the world! think of the smiles on the kids faces who will get shelter and medicine! and what a big difference well make in studies to help the enviroment i dont want much of anything for christmas i just want other people to be happy! and thats what i like most about this years holiday party



I like the party because of the waether, party rooms and items. The items are really cool there, especially the hornament hat, holiday magic bg, milk n cookies pin and the cookie costume. :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TRAINMAN :D



There are a few things I like about the Holiday Party. I really like the Advent Calendar at the Forest because it lets Non Members get more items, then just 1 item like most parties. I also love the new decorations, the old ones were getting boring,. But my most favourite part is the Bakery. I love gingerbread cookies and stuff like that, so why wouldn’t I like it? I also love how you can get a free igloo tere :D




I really like the Advent because now non-members can get a lot of awesome items too. I am member but I am happy that non-members can be happy too. Furthermore, the items are very cool! This is what I like the most on this year Holiday Party.

Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

I love donating to coins for change, and meeting Rockhopper and Aunt Arctic. I love Christmas :D

Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

Wait I forgot to say why I like donating.. here is why: It helps the environment, shelter, and clean water & help to the people around the world.



I like the Calendar in the Forest because it gives us free items and it was a really good idea from Disney.



What I like most about the Holiday Party is that Club Penguin decided to double their Coins for Change donation because that is very generous and awesome of them to do!



I love getting a free gift everyday, there’s nothing wrong with free gifts. :) And I also enjoy looking for Aunt Arctic and Rockhopper for my other penguins. [removed]



The fact that I can help poor people by donating virtual coins just leaves me impressed! I love this new way of cooperating. SOFUN YAY



First of all, the music! I love it! And the decorations of the Town and the Plaza.

Alex Dragus

Alex Dragus

I really like the forest calendar. I love parties where they give out tons of free items.



Most of Holiday Party I like the share Coins For Change.
I behold it in the holidays. We need to help others in these days and that this action gives us the opportunity.
Just like the opportunity to gift their friends with presents, because the most important thing is to give rather than receive.

E-mail: [removed]



What I like this year about the Holiday Party is pretty much everything. They didn’t use the same decor as last year… and there’s free items, which supposedly, I thought were members only, for everyone everyday. I also love how Aunt Arctic and Rockhopper are at the party. I saw them both at the Stage at the same time and server a few days ago… and Rockhopper was more crowded :S. Anyhow, I think that the items and decor are great, so are the mascots. I love everything they’ve done this year! I don’t think there’s a negative comment about it. I like how non members can go to the Bakery and watch. That’s another positive. So overall, this party was great! They didn’t use any old Santa Hat this year… which is amazing.

Shaymin 28

Shaymin 28

What I like most about the Holiday Party 2011 are the free items at the Forest. I like the free items at the Forest is that because I am a non-member, I usually can’t get 12 items in 12 days.



I like this year holiday party because it has many free items for non-members and specially Club Penguin Memories reached its 1 year destiny!

0 Sawyer 0

0 Sawyer 0

I like gingerbread costume.Because the item free, and body

email; [removed]



The 12 days of Christmas! that’s the best because you get a new item each day.



I love the new Bakery, because we can interactive with other penguins being chefs and cooking a gingerbread igloo. Also the santa’s sled and the countdown of 12 DAYS OF FREE GIFTS! Is the party with the most gifts ever. :D I hope 2012 parties will be better than this 2011.



The thing that I most liked, was the Bakery and the Santa Sled, they are both funny because you can give cookies to Aunt Arctic or RH, and you can even give gifts to the island in the Santa Sled, and I could win 3 free items!

Well thats all! WADDLE ON!



This Holiday Party is the best cause first of all I like the design in each rooms especially those party rooms and the coins for change is more meaningful this year cause the Club Penguin decided to donate over $2,000,000 for worthy causes. And the most I liked in this years Holiday Party is the 12 days of gifts at the Forest which is really cool cause even non-members can get those items from the forest. I’m sure that those penguins that are not members are really happy now cause they get something really nice this Christmas from Club Penguin.



I like the coins for change because it’s amazing we can help other people in need by using coins we got from an online game!



I like how you can get the gingerbread igloo for free! because i cant afford to buy it:(



I like everything about the holiday. I think they have improved but I don’t know what. Club Penguin has really gave non-members something to feel happy about by giving out free items.
I love The holiday Party, it rocks. I like the games and everything about this event.
Real Name: Jarrod
Penguins Name: Dragons54321

Goody Mcluck

Goody Mcluck

It is amazing because of the Forest gifts!