Club Penguin On Good Morning America – Video & Pictures

By / December 2, 2011

As promised, here are the full clips of Club Penguin’s (relatively short) broadcast on Good Morning America. Sadly some of the quality was lost during conversion. I do have the original clips in a .DVR-MS file for those who are interested. Anyway, throughout the two hours of the full show here and there you would see the crowd holding up signs, some of them belonging to Club Penguin. This was the first one I noticed within the first hour of the broadcast.

About 15-20 minutes before the end of the show, there was a quick 10 second clip of a Club Penguin crowd. You can watch it below. Watch it in full screen with 720p quality for the best viewing experience.

Then, to wrap things up, there was a quick one minute segment with Billybob, Rockhopper, and Bambadee. You can even see former Club Penguin Blogger Jmann93 in the background! Again, I recommend you watch this in 720p in full screen.

Very cool! Sadly I wish Club Penguin had a longer segment – with the amount of hype it got I was expecting it to be a minimum of five minutes. Oh well, it’s still cool to see. I wonder if Club Penguin hit their 100,000 submissions goal? They never fully said.

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Did you take this from your TV? Anyway thanks for the footage.



I can watch and record live TV on my laptop with a TV Tuner, so partially, yes.



cool! i watched the whole show.



Thats him? ive always pictured him differently!
lol if i ever see i pic of u ill probably say the same thing. :P