Club Penguin Holiday Party 2011 Items?

By / November 17, 2011

Some of you probably remember my post from late October listing items that will be in Club Penguin’s December 2011 Penguin Style Catalog. They’ve updated their files again, listing more items. They will either be in this catalog or at the Holiday Party later in the month. The items are all head items and members only.

  • The Twizzle for 350 coins
  • The Triple Lutz for 350 coins
  • The Free Skate for 350 coins

Unrelated, here is something weird I saw in Club Penguin’s files:

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Maybe the damaged rooftop will be a epf mission or something.

Amy 19987

Amy 19987

I agree, xbird. Maybe herbert wakes up and damages the nightclub rooftop. Well, at least SOMTHING like that



Yeah,or klutzy or protobot (wherever he is)!
what u think train?



No idea.



U know the email i said i sent cp? the one about the cj party sneek peeks?
Well they said no sneek peeks cause its unfair to the other penguins cause they cant see them.
Well i asked to another question…
me and a friend (Rockie805) had a idea.

Here is what i said:
u know the lake on the map where there is no room(its surruonded by trees)?
WEll I had a idea that for january, there should be a quest, and us penguins find that room!

Well he wrote back saying he LOVED the idea and would menchen it at the next cp meeting!

club sam56

club sam56

when klutzy got out of the cage when we craped herbet well klutzy done it!!!



Are you sure it’s not from the Battle of Doom?



Pretty sure.



I am pretty sure its the Night Club rooftop,EPF rooftop or some new room.



Hey Train , I found some more new items.
ID 4474-4484 Are all new i believe.
Red Away Hockey Jersey
Red Away Goalie Gear
Blue Away Hockey Jersey
Blue Away Goalie Gear
Green Away Hockey Jersey
Green Away Goalie Gear
Yellow Away Hockey Jersey
Yellow Away Goalie Gear
Perfect Twirl Dress
Floating on Ice Dress
Snowy Sky Dress

All of them are body items for members :)



I found some more new items let me know if you want me to post them.

Yellow Crown

Yellow Crown

‘Hint’ is many times referred to that yellow box that appears when you scroll your cursor on a game or place on the map. If the file’s name you’re talking about is about places then it’s likely the map will have a ‘damaged rooftop’ shortcut.