Four Unreleased Club Penguin Items (And Sensei Information)

By / November 25, 2011

While there are no signs of Sensei having a new background for his visit yet, Club Penguin has updated their items file adding four new items – the clothing items are for members, and the two pins are for everyone. They’ll most likely be in the December Clothing Catalog or Holiday Party.

The first item is the White Puffle Pullover, a body item that will cost member penguins 450 coins. The second item is the Mauve Mittens, a hand item that will cost member penguins 100 coins.

As for the pins, they are two flag pins that will be in a catalog at some point and will cost 60 coins each. They are the Liechtenstein Flag and the Austria Flag.

Adding onto the claims of Sensei visiting, here are his new pre-written mascot messages:

For The Member Training Room

In this hidden room
Fire and Water will train
For ninja glory
Come students
Let us prepare a feast fit for ninjas
We need great energy for battle
Fire ninjas prepare the fish!
Water ninjas brew the tea!
What else do we need students?
Excellent idea
Who will grill the fish?
Thank you young grasshopper
Do you like raw fish?
Sushi is a delicacy…made better by hot sauce!
Will you fetch more ingredients?
May I suggest…pizza emotes!
We need sushi chefs!
Ah I see you’ve found my ancient scrolls
These scrolls contain much wisdom
Like how to use chopsticks…
to catch flies
to build an igloo
to style a beard
to move a mountain
And how to cook the most tasty noodles
And how to beat Rockhopper at Mancala
And how to get your joke in the newspaper
And how to confuse Aunt Arctic
And how to get Cadence to stand still
And how to get Gary to dance at a party
Hahaha I am kidding
I made a funny!
Have you earned your training suits?
Strike the targets to claim your prize
Fire ninjas toss hot sauce
Water ninjas fling water balloons
All will need patience
All must work together
Aid one another to reach your goal
Show me your concentration faces
Concentrate grasshoppers
Excellent all of you
You have trained well
You have made your teacher proud

Stadium Specific:

Behold the arena
Prepare to prove your Card-Jitsu skills!
Which element will you choose?
Fire is bold, vivid
Its power fierce and intense
We will need patience
Water is soothing
Its power wild and untamed
We will need control
Snow is cold, remote
Its power is unmoving
We will need our strength
Which element will triumph?
Let it be decided
Are you ready, my students?
Prepare for battle!
On count of three
Excellent move!
Well done Water!
Impressive Fire!
Shadow ninjas, you possess great skill!
Demonstrate that move again
Persistence is rewarded
Water ninjas are needed!
Fire ninjas join the battle!
Shadow ninjas which side will you choose?
Summon more ninjas!
High atop this chair
I oversee every match
And every triumph!
Fire beats snow!
Water beats fire!
Snow beats water!
Well done grasshoppers
A most engaging battle

Cove Specific:

This is a special place
Of quiet and calm
Your battles have been fierce
You have fought bravely
With much honor
The fierce ninja values action
But the wise ninja knows when to rest
We draw our power from nature
The elements must be respected
Gather around my students
Join me in the shade
Let us celebrate your triumphs
Who will pour some tea?

Answer Specific:

Yes Ninja that is correct
Yes young grasshoppper
We will see my ninjas
I do not believe so ninja
You must see me in the Dojo
To claim your cards
As ninjas we are…
Beyond any buddy list
Always united
As ninjas we are always united
I would be honored to be your friend
Take my background, it means friendship
I enjoy watching Card-Jitsu
I spend much time in the wilderness
I learn much from puffles
To this day I still train to get better
A ninja’s work is never done
My favorite game is Card-Jitsu
What is yours grasshopper?
My favorite music is calming flutes
I also enjoy the sounds of nature
I also like the sound of beating drums and gongs
My favorite hobby is making tea…
It is an artform
This is true my student
Some ninjas will continue their journey
Some ninjas are drawn toward one element
Some ninjas are great teachers
Fire path, Water path
Both are wise ninja choices
This chair is reserved for Elemental Masters
From here I see every battle
From this chair, I can see all of you
The time to master snow will come
We must watch for the signs
No signs have been sighted
They may come at any time
You must keep watch
Alert your teacher if you see anything
We must be patient
All will be revealed
We cannot rush the element


To write a haiku, You just need to write three lines, Of five, seven, five
Dojo mystery, History old and clouded, Like the stormy sky
Listen grasshoppers, Mastering the elements, Is a great challenge
Amulets are key, Ninja must open the door, Enter if you dare
Long is the journey, With many wins and losses, We must learn from both

Training Specific:

Are you continuing to train each day?
That is good to hear
You must continue your training
Practice your invisibility
Hone your skills
There is always more to learn
A ninja must always be ready
The ninja’s power rests in the ability to learn
If you train today you will be ready for tomorrow
Your training has only begun, my students
There are other elements to master
There are always more skills to learn
Tell me, how have you been training?
I have been traveling in the wilderness learning more skills
The wilderness has taught me much


I am proud to see so many ninjas
You are all very skilled
Well done my students!
I see you have practiced!
You have come a long way in your training!
Together your strength is like the mighty waterfall
Strong and constant!
Together your strength is like a powerful flame
Brilliant and bright!
Together your strength is like a avalanche
Fierce and unstoppable!
Your skills have improved ninjas
Have you been drinking enough tea?
Wisdom lies at the bottom of your teacup
I have watched your progress
I am proud of the ninjas that you have become


Let us play a different game
I will say an element
You say what defeats it
As fast as possible
Well done, I see you have ninja speed
Heh heh! We shall all have to train harder, yes?
Heh heh Nothing defeats sushi
Nothing but a hungry ninja of course
Practice ninja skills!
We will use the gongs!
I will name a target!
To throw snowballs at!
Sea Llama!
Heh heh tricked you!
That is correct ninjas
You are very focused
Let me test your ninja skills
When I say ninjas VANISH!
I expect no ninja to be in sight
All ninjas can vanish
If you don’t have the suit you can hide
Ninjas VANISH!
There are ninjas still in sight
You have done very well
I am proud to call you my students


Farewell, my students
Keep practicing
I must go now, take care
I have more to prepare!
Continue your training

Gather around my students!
Let me see your skills
Put on your masks for training my students
Please have a seat everyone
Ninjas APPEAR!
Ninjas RUN!
Ninjas run to the left!
Ninjas run to the right!
All ninjas use your Cloud Wave and vanish!
Ninjas VANISH!
Let us rest at the Cove
Fire against Water
Follow me to the Stadium my students
To the Town!
To the Plaza!
To the Docks!
To the Dojo!
To the Fores


Greetings grasshoppers
Hello and good day
Hello my students
Good day ninjas
It is good to see you my students

Training Room Specific: (note: some of these messages are the same as the Member Training Room ones)

In this hidden room
Fire and Water will train
For ninja glory
Come students
Let us prepare a feast fit for ninjas
We need great energy for battle
Fire ninjas prepare the fish!
Water ninjas brew the tea!
What else do we need students?
Excellent idea
Who will grill the fish?
Thank you young grasshopper
Do you like raw fish?
Sushi is a delicacy…made better by hot sauce!
Will you fetch more ingredients?
May I suggest…pizza emotes!
We need sushi chefs!
Ah I see you’ve found my ancient scrolls
These scrolls contain much wisdom
Like how to use chopsticks…
to catch flies
to build an igloo
to style a beard
to move a mountain
And how to cook the most tasty noodles
And how to beat Rockhopper at Mancala
And how to get your joke in the newspaper
And how to confuse Aunt Arctic
And how to get Cadence to stand still
And how to get Gary to dance at a party
Hahaha I am kidding
I made a funny!
Have you earned your training suits?
Strike the targets to claim your prize
Fire ninjas toss hot sauce
Water ninjas fling water balloons
All will need patience
All must work together
Aid one another to reach your goal
Show me your concentration faces
Concentrate grasshoppers
Excellent all of you
You have trained well
You have made your teacher proud


Like the great earthquake, you rock the house!
Let us discuss the ways of the ninja
Where is your favorite place to be invisible?
Hide and Seek is also great fun
It is easy for ninjas to win Hide and Seek, yes?
Come face me in the Dojo later
Haha! That joke was very funny!

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how do u find these? files?






That’s long! O.O



uhh where are these files i want to find them too please tell us



So have u found any information about Sensei.. when he will come online? But one thing is sure(?): he will be online?



I don’t think he’s online *yet*.



he will be on tomorrow. are u tracking today just in case train? and again, plzzzzzzzzzzzz update the tracker when u do find him.



The white Puffle pullover was from last year!



They are two different items. The Puffle Pullover was last year, costing 400 coins. This new item has a similar name, but it’s a completely different item and price.



Did you notice the messages about Shadow Ninjas? Do you think it means something?






Can the moderators controlling Sensei type messages as well? I think they can, because one time I asked one of the Penguin Band members if they like chocolate (don’t ask why) and he answered “I love chocolate!”



Yes, they can type their own or use the ones already pre-written.