Club Penguin Reviewed By You: Igloo Items
A new Reviewed By You has been posted on the Club Penguin Blog by Happy77. (What happened to Billybob posting everything? :P) At the end of last week’s Reviewed By You question she asked penguins what their favorite game to play with their Puffles was. Ubatha said:
I think my fave game would be either Aqua Grabber or Jet Pack Adventure! Both of those can earn over 300 coins if you play awhile! Then I can get more cute puffles! Thanks to my pink puffle and green puffle for earning extra points! WADDLE ON CP! happy halloween!
P.S who got close to a pound of candy?
As for this week’s question, Happy77 asked what your all time favorite igloo of all time is and what you like the best about it. I personally like all the Winter Holiday ones! It makes my igloo feel cozy.
The following page has been updated:
cool iggy
whats ur favorite furniture item train?
mines the box demension!
All the Winter Holiday items. That or the train set. :P
the train set?!
I never would have guessed!