Introducing PuffSearch!

By / October 6, 2011

Search Engines play a crucial role in discovering new websites. In fact, did you know that roughly 70% of my website’s traffic is from search engines? Heck, people have come to my website from Google over 10,000 times! The one downside about search engines is depending on the term you are searching, you might get unwanted results. This can happen with Club Penguin rather often. Over the past month or two, an old friend of mine, Yellow Crown, has been hard at work with a Club Penguin Search Engine. It’s based off Google

search engine, but only with Club Penguin website results! Not only that, but the homepage has a nice content slider linking to the latest Club Penguin update posts across the web to ensure you stay up to date and discover cool new Club Penguin websites! If you’re interested in checking out PuffSearch, click here. Go ahead, give it a try!

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This looks amazing :D, will use it when it comes up.



Trainman would you like to feature my igloo? Its an AMAZING Halloween Town Trick-or-Treating area… Come on the server wool socks right now to see if if you like! My name is my Username.




On Belly Slide now.



Arg, got your comment late. Take a picture instead!

Elle wt™

Elle wt™

have you noticed that when you go to your igloo your penguin is three times bigger than usual?? well it might be fa glitch that only a few users have..but i sure do! please check into it!



Nah, CP did it purposefully.

Elle wt™

Elle wt™

lol why? (when i said “fa” i meant “a”)



I was told by CP that it’s to make the size scale between penguins & Puffles more realistic.

Penguin 515

Penguin 515

hey trainman1405,

i have got your fan banner on my site!

if you want to visit my site it is

or you can go to my site and go to the fan banners page and add a fan banner



Cool site! :)

yeah cool site penguin515!



Hey train!
I need some help with my site. It’s not up and running yet but i will need some help to add all the stuff. If you help i will put your banner on it. It’s a google account so it’s a bit different than yours.


Hey train!
I need some help with my site. It’s not up and running yet but i will need some help to add all the stuff. If you help i will put your banner on it. It’s a google account so it’s a bit different than yours.




What exactly is it you need done?



Are you sure that Search Engine is running? It seems down for me, I submitted my website and when I search it there it won’t come up with my results. Does it take ages to get it on or is the site down?

From Your Friend



I don’t know, I had no part in coding it. I think it might index specific websites my friend put into the search engine, I don’t know. You could always try talking to him on Twitter –

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