Club Penguin Field Ops #53 Cheats – October 28th

By / October 28, 2011

Club Penguin has released their 53rd field op, for the 27th of October. To start with, go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room for your briefing.

Go to the Night Club by the speaker in the bottom left corner. Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it.

Complete the Field Ops mission by destroying the circuits.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Jet Pack Guy.

It reads:

Nice work agent! Looks like you were easily up to that challenge.

Things are pretty quiet with Herbert in hibernation. I wonder what the future holds for the EPF.

Anyways, enjoy the party. Jet Pack Guy out.

If you are still confused, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next week for Club Penguin Field Ops 54 Cheats!

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When I finished the field op the picture of Jet Pack Guy changed rapidly to different characters and at the top right it said i had 55 EPF medals but I only had 1, but after a little bit of time passed it went back to normal.