Club Penguin Field Ops #50 Cheats – October 4th

By / October 4, 2011

Club Penguin has released their 50th field op, for the 4th of October. To start with, go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room for your briefing.

Head over to the Snow Forts, on the left side of the Clock Tower.

Your spy phone will turn green. Click it, and complete the Field Ops by decrypting the passcode with the shapes.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Rookie.

It reads:

You did it! Good work! I can’t believe you got through. I guess we’ll have to check if our network security is weak! Or maybe you’re just too good for the job?

Remember – Comm Agents are great communicators. Hey wait! That must be what ‘comm’ stands for!

If you are still confused, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next week for Club Penguin Field Ops 51 Cheats!

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thanks man :)



Yep, thanks! This is exactly what i was looking for!






theres a new one