Unreleased Items In Club Penguin’s Card-Jitsu Handbook?
A friend of mine, Sadas (who also gave me information about the 2011 Halloween Party) recently told me he thinks there are a few penguins wearing unreleased items in Club Penguin’s newest book, the Card-Jitsu handbook. I took a look at the images he gave me and I’ll consider it plausible. I’m pretty sure the penguin circled in the yellow is wearing a Suede Jacket & Chullo. I am unsure about the penguin circled in Green. It doesn’t look like the Red Hoodie and it doesn’t look like the Santa Outfit. It looks more like a Red Parka. Finally, there is the penguin circled in the Red. It’s not the shade of the Ice Cream Apron and it’s not as dark as the Baker Apron.
Here’s another image of it:
What do you think? Are these items released already but altered in the book or are they to be released at some point in the future?
Thanks again Sadas!
You’re welcome again. ;) Also, thanks for correcting me on the yellow circle.
They could be real, as aside from some of the hand items the penguins are holding, most of the clothing in the book has been released.
The penguin with the red around it looks like the November penguin Styles Job of the month?
The penguin with red around it looks like a Underwear T-shirt or something.
I know these…I have the book myself.
-Green circled has the WINTER CAPE from the Dec. 2007 PS catalog
-Yellow Circled has the colored suede jacket, you already know.
-Red circled does have the Ice Cream apron, actually. The only thing I need to find out is…what is a certain penguin in the SG and GG graphic novel wearing at the Night Club? Hmm…