Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Adventure!

By / July 12, 2011

Billybob has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog! Last week he asked penguins for names of helpful penguins, and why. He picked Jellybug2000, who said:

Someone who has been helpful to me has been one of my good friends Jennatlc. She showed me around Club Penguin and she helped me with quests along the way! We have done everything together and she is supportive to other people and follows all of the rules! Plus, she loves to help people with pins and stamps! I hope she gets the 10,000 coins because I think she did a great job! Waddle on Cp!

This week the Club Penguin Team wants to know what your favorite adventure has been on Club Penguin so far! Mine is when we rebuilt Rockhopper’s ship in 2008.

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