Club Penguin Music Jam 2011 Cheats [Theories]

By / June 10, 2011

With Club Penguin’s fourth Music Jam Party coming out in less than a week, I thought I would post my insight on what I’m going to expect at this party. First off, the last two newspapers (Issue 294 & Issue 295) have given insight to what items we might expect, as well as the new login screen design that was recently removed.

First off, in this week’s newspaper (Issue 295) it shows a penguin wearing an unfamiliar Green T-Shirt.

In last week’s newspaper (Issue 294) I think those Pink Glasses are unreleased on Club Penguin. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Then the final item is the shirt the penguin is wearing in the updated login screen look:

Now, onto the rooms. If you compare the Music Jam Construction this year to last years, the Iceberg, Cove, Forest, Snow Forts, Coffee Shop, Dock, Beach, and Lighthouse are all the same…wait…that’s all the rooms under construction right now!

If that’s the case, then a majority of rooms will be the same. Such as the Lighthouse…

The Iceberg (but with the Penguin Band’s new look which I’ll mention below)

The Snow Forts, as well as the rest – I don’t want to get too extensive.

Now, on Club Penguin’s membership page it said we’ll be able to access the Night Club Rooftop, which most likely means Cadence, Club Penguin’s DJ, will be visiting the island again.

The Night Club Rooftop will probably have the same design, which looks like this:

Now, there was also some Mexican type items hidden in this month’s new furniture catalog, such as the Mexican Vase.

Due to that, do you think the Casa Fiesta will return this year? It was new last year. Here is what it looks like:

Now, the final thing is the Penguin Band. Club Penguin has given the band a total makeover. There new outfits are shown in a new postcard and in this week’s newspaper.

Due to their updated looks, they’ll most likely have a brand new background to give out. What are your thoughts on what I expect at this year’s Music Jam 2011 Party? Either way, be sure to check back next week for the real thing!

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UGH!!! I want those outfits so badly!! Are they released, or will they be in the June 2011 catalog ? Mabye even whebn you meet them you get thier outfits? we’ll just have to wait and see! P.S. I love this website! It updates AS SOON as the new updates are released. You helped me a lot! Thanks



They aren’t released – I think they’re just for the penguin band. Also thanks for the compliment! :)



I think the Music Jam will be a lot like last year, as far as the rooms go. The newspaper unreleased items might be in the t-shirt stand.
I hate the new Penguin Band, the outfits are terrible and they don’t look anything like the classic version. I hope CP changes them back.




They Probably won’t but there is still a chance. An how do I change my picture?




An the casa Fiesta IS coming back now. I think there might be ANOTHER free item there this year though.

Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

Trainmain1405, I’m not sure if this is true, just I think that pink thing on the penguins face is the Pink Super Hero Mask.



Yeah, I had that thought too. It could be that or unreleased Pink Sunglasses. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Shaymin 28

Shaymin 28

How do you get the Twitter button your site???

Shaymin 28

Shaymin 28

Sorry… I meant “How do you get the Twitter button on your site?”



It’s a WordPress plugin I have installed called WP-Tweet Button



Is there the “orca strw” this year i cant find it.



Nope, I don’t think they have it this year.



The sunglasses are at one of the stands and the shirt is in the backstage room……………



Yup! It looks like my theories were right. :)