Club Penguin Authorized Beta Team Exclusive Information – PLAY ROLLERSCAPE!

By / May 3, 2011

In the latest Reviewed By You Club Penguin Blog Post, if you click the word “team” it’ll take you to a secret link on Club Penguin’s website with the Club Penguin Beta Team information.

First you login.

Then this will appear:

It’ll give you commands:

One of the commands is to play Rollerscape.

The Rollerscape History & Puffle Hat Idea commands do not currently show anything.

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wow i thought that was a glitch for my computer and the club penguin team. we released it so that there would be some beta testers but if there are too many, we are going to only make specific people be beta testers

it wont let me sighn up

it wont let me sighn up

it wont let me sighn in



thats really cool i know its a little late but there are even MORE games now!