Club Penguin New Pizzatron 3000 Game Stamps

By / April 26, 2011

Club Penguin has released some new stamps! One of the games the new stamps are for includes Pizzatron 3000. Take a look!

There is a total of 10 you can earn. They are:

Candy Land – Make 3 pink sauce and marshmallow pizzas to order
Chef’s Hat – Make 20 pizzas without any mistakes
Cocoa Beans – Make 3 jellybean and chocolate pizzas to order
Dessert Chef – Make 40 candy pizzas without any mistakes
Fiery Squids – Make 3 hot sauce and squid pizzas to order
Food Fiasco – Make a mess of the kitchen with 3 wrong pizzas
Just Dessert – Play Pizzatron in Candy Mode
Pizza Chef – Make 30 pizzas without any mistakes
Pizza Master” – Make 40 pizzas without any mistakes
Spice Sea – Make 3 hot sauce and shrimp pizzas to order

Nice! Have you unlocked them all yet? The stamp total is now 286.

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hi thats really cool thxs for the advise