Club Penguin January 2011 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats

By / January 6, 2011

Club Penguin has released their first Clothing Catalog of 2011, the January 2011 Penguin Style Catalog. The main theme of the new items in this catalog is winter wear and outdoor wear.

Here are the new cheats in this catalog:

Click the tree trunk for the Big White Scarf.

These are old cheats but moved:

Click the bucket on the penguin for the Red Viking Helmet.

Open and close it three times for the Blue Viking Helmet.

Click the bubbles for the Scuba Diving Gear:

Here are the old cheats from the previous catalog:

Click the “F” in Coffee for the Blue Fuzzy Hat.

Click the Blue Lights for the Puffle Pullover.

Click the Yellow Puffle for the Candy Cane Wing Warmers.

Click the Snow Forts for the Black Whirlpool Snowsuit and Yellow Toque.

Click the tops of all three trees for the Blue Earmuffs, Blue Striped Scarf, and Blue Mittens.

Click the tree for the Gingerbread Costume.

Click the mountain on the right for the Snowman Costume.

Click on the ornament to get the Snowboard boots.

Click the tree for the Brown Teal Cap and Green Vest.

Click the penguin’s beak for the Blue Designer Scarf.

Click the orange penguin’s arm for the Blue Striped Scarf.

Click the purple penguin’s beak for the Pink Designer Scarf.

Click the Lady Frankenpenguin’s beak for the Frankenpenguin Costume.

Click The Count’s beak for the Frankenpengin Head.

Click the ghost’s eyes for the Crook and Flail.

What is your favorite new item in this catalog? I think mine would be the lumberjack items. Below is a video of all the cheats.

The following pages have been updated:

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Would you call the checked crop coat and the blue buckle up items for boys AND girls?

All in all, this catalog is alright. I hoped for some nicer stuff, and I had all the backgrounds that were re-released, but at least there was some new items.



In my opinion I think the Blue Buckle Up is a borderline-ish unisex item. The Checked Crop Coat (say that three times fast :P) is a little bit more girly, but I do agree with you to some degree.

I do with there was at least one new background. Oh well. Maybe we’ll see more new items at the Expedition Party. I was surprised with 1 new hidden item and 2 relocated ones.