Need some Club Penguin SWF Files

By / November 8, 2010

Hey all, I am looking for several swfs that I can screenshot for Club Pennguin Memories. One is a newspaper, the rest are 2010 Catalogs from February – August.

-I need Club Penguin Times Issue 242, from June 3, 2010.
-Clothing Catalogs from March – August 2010. (March, April, May, June, July, and August)
-Igloo Catalogs from February – August 2010. (March, April, May, June, July, and August) (note: unsure if there was one each month)
-Furniture Catalogs from February – August 2010. (March, April, May, June, July, and August)
-February 2010 Puffle Furniture Catalog
-February 2010 Puffle Catalog
-February 2010 & May 2010 Sports Catalogs

Thank you so much. If you want them to email me, please do so.

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I have a TON of Club Penguin SWFs, but I have none of the ones you need. However, I have a couple catalogs from 2007 if you want them.



If you want you can give me them and I’ll see if I have them. :)



I have 4 Big Wigs catalogs too.



I can also make custom items. (I can also make custom penguins.) Just saying.

I have all the SWF files you need i will send them for partys and stage plays



hey train do you know Pengwey s email so i can ask him some things like make custom items. and make custom penguins
from popeye88636



I do not