January 11, 2016 Penguin of the Week: Chilly573

Yesterday Megg announced that this week’s lucky Penguin of the Week is Chilly573!


Chilly573 was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by multiple people: Jethro13, Nina1059, 2coolstar, and Archerdude44. These are their nominations:

“Hello Megg I will nominate Chilly573 because he coolest blogger and his igloo is very awesome. He is the coolest penguin. Waddle on !”

“I’d like to nominate Chilly573 for POTW. He is a very friendly penguin and does so much for the community, like blog about CP. He also comes to many community meetups. He diserves this! #ChillyForPOTW #ChillyForPrez”

“Hi, I’d like to nominate Chilly573 for POTW! He’s a great friend and helps out with anyone who needs help. He’s very kind and also sometimes really funny! He’s a great penguin to be friends with, and he’ll befriend anyone who wants to be friends with him!”

“I would like to nominate Chilly573 for Penguin of the Week. Many in the community appreciate his kindness and helpful approach to questions. He is very open minded and tries his best to help everyone, new and old, plus he has a very positive attitude that makes others feel the same.”

Congratulations, Chilly! :)

Want to nominate someone for POTW? Comment on the Club Penguin Blog with their penguin username and why they should be chosen. Who knows, the Club Penguin Team may end up picking the player you nominated! All winners receive 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background.

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