Club Penguin 25 Holiday Giveaways Calendar

By / December 2, 2015

Club Penguin’s doing something new this year! Remember how at the 2011 Holiday Party there was an advent calendar at the Forest, with a new item unlocking each day? Well, Club Penguin is doing something similar, but with 25 days of free items!

The first time you sign on to Club Penguin this week Aunt Arctic will pop up and inform you about it.

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Hello. You can collect free gifts from this calendar. New ones unlock every day until December 25th. Happy holidays!


There will be an icon in the top right corner. Days 1 and 2 are already unlocked. You can hover over the numbers to preview what item will be available that day, something I wish Club Penguin didn’t do so it would be a surprise! (even though bloggers would likely leak the items :P)

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Items range from clothing, to furniture, to even an igloo. Some items are brand new and some items are old.

Also, you can view the give-away tree at the Snow Forts. Thanks Lucas63101!

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Thank you, Club Penguin!

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Ahh that nostalgia… I loved 2011’s version, but when I asked support, they stated “All Items After Today (Excluding the gingerbread/Shortbread) Will be NONMEMBER .o.



If that’s the Holiday Party, then that’s a major letdown! :/



Nope! Thats just the advent calendar for it. There was a image for the holiday party in the forest, but it’s day. Thats the real let-down ;-;