Club Penguin Ask Polo – March 2015 (1,000 Free Coins and Fair in May)

By / March 19, 2015

Polo Field is hosting an Ask Polo on the Club Penguin blog, where he answered some player’s questions. You can check out his post here.

In one comment he gave out two codes, PUFFLES1, which unlocks the Blue Border Collie Hat, and COINPACK, which unlocks 1,000 coins. The PUFFLES1 code doesn’t work, it’s expired. COINPACK works fine though, so if you want some free coins then go and enter that!

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There is also a dumb bug on the blog where the wrong comment is replied to, however it seems that there may be a Fair in May….unless Polo Field’s comment was a response to someone else but the bug made it appear as a response to Fizzy Pop instead. I guess we’ll know in the coming month.

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Away man! I want Marvel Super hero takeover in May!



They Might Do It Next Month.



Not sure as new avengers movie is in May, maybe in June possibly?

On second thoughts I’d actually like the Fair in September like it was always.



The Iron Man 3 movie was released in May 2013 in the United States, Spain, and other countries as far as I’m aware of, yet the Marvel Super Hero Takeover took place in April 2013.

There is a chance that (hopefully) another Marvel Super Hero Takeover will take place next month in honor of The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron movie.

The Marvel Super Hero Takeover is seriously one of my favorite parties of all time and although I am against takeovers/sponsored parties, it is the only (alongside the Star Wars Takeover in 2015; not in 2015 when they advertised Star Wars Rebels) sponsored party/takeover I highly enjoyed.



Correction: I meant that I enjoyed the Star Wars Takeover in 2013 and not in 2015 when they advertised Star Wars Rebels.



Avengers 2 coming out in April so they might do it on April i want it too btw!