December 2014 Furniture & Igloo Catalogue Released

By / December 10, 2014

An updated version of Club Penguin’s furniture & igloo catalogue has been released for the month of December! This is their twelfth and final furniture and igloo catalogue of 2014. This month’s new items are Merry Walrus and winter themed.

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Table of Contents:


Here are the new pages of furniture this month.

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Here are the hidden items.

Click Fluffy on the Festive Fluffy Feast for the Congo Drum. This floor item is 400 coins each.

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Click the chimney on the Holiday Fireplace for the Snowflake. This wall item is 50 coins each.

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Click the bookshelf for the Funky Bookshelf. This furniture item is 550 coins each.

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Click the green chair on the right for the Scoop Chair. This item is 650 coins each.

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This month four igloos have returned! There is the Train Station Igloo, Fresh Baked Gingerbread House Igloo, Estate Igloo, and Cozy Cottage Igloo.

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The following pages have been updated:

Leave a Response

Turk Ois

Turk Ois

LOVE the new furniture for the most part – very penguin-centric with the fish garlands & all.
Glad to have a table with a big fish in the center (still longing for that regular-sized dining table but this huge one will do).
Interesting that some things change from blue to red. I was afraid it would all be blue!
I know I’m a penguin and like the cold, but too much blue is sad. The red breaks it up and makes it cheerful!



My favorite igloo item is the blue christmas tree,