Rookie Meetup Times For Club Penguin School & Skate Party September 2014

By / September 17, 2014

Rookie is waddling around the island during Club Penguin’s September 2014 School & Skate Party! In this post I am keeping a collection of all the meetup times the team gives out, so be sure to check back to this post frequently for more updates! All of the meetup times below are PST, or Penguin Standard Time. This is the time shown on the clock tower at the Snow Forts. For EST add 3 times to the PST times and for the UK add 8 hours to the PST times. All of the servers below are English servers unless otherwise stated. There is no particular room Rookie will be in for the meetup, however I recommend you check the rooms relating to the School & Skate Party such as the school and skate park.


Tuesday, September 30th

10:30 AM on the Portuguese server Cordilheira
10:45 AM on the server Wool Socks
2:30 PM on the server Fog

Wednesday, October 1st

1:00 AM on the Russian server Ледниковый
7:00 AM on the Portuguese server Meias de lã
7:30 AM on the Russian server Аврора
8:30 AM on the German server Handschuhe
9:30 AM on the server Rainbow
10:30 AM on the Portuguese server Flor da Neve

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Club Penguin School & Skate Party 2014 Cheats – Rebel Penguin Federation Club Penguin Army

Club Penguin School & Skate Party 2014 Cheats – Rebel Penguin Federation Club Penguin Army

[…] Rookie is waddling around the island. You can view his meetup times here. […]



Will he have a new backround



I don’t think so.

club penguin

club penguin

I hope there’s a new back round I need it!

supa penguin

supa penguin

there isnt one i was there and met him no new backround

luis ver

luis ver

Thank you for this

Train,Can I meet up? :)

club penguin

club penguin

Yesterday day rookie came and I missed him by 5 minutes! I was like noooo!



Is there any more meetups?