Penguin Cup Updates: Polo Field Switches Teams and Blue Team Wins!
In an unforeseen circumstance, Polo Field got dropped from the Sharks and ended up becoming a waterboy for the Fluffies Check out the breaking news segment from CPSN:
Not to worry, though. Even with Polo Field no longer being captain of the Sharks, the team still won by a milestone. Be sure to pick up your free trophy!
Congratulations to the Sharks on winning the competition!
The Penguin Cup was so unfair. Team Blue only won because it’s the most popular colour and all the “preps” were on it too.
I think you’re psychic. Violetta really is at Music Jam…. WAAH no one likes dat show its chiz. Only like Latin and Spanish people cos it’s dubbed in English.
Hey Trainman 2 things: A) Just letting you know I love your blog man ;) and B) Do you know what wig Polo Field’s wearing at the beginning of the video and how to obtain it? Thanks!