The Penguin Band Returning To Club Penguin’s Fair, March 2014 Party Hint Being Posted Tomorrow

By / January 29, 2014

Penguins have been asking when the Penguin Band will return to Club Penguin since they have not waddled around the island and what feels like forever. Luckily they’ll be returning next month at the Fair!

Here’s what Polo Field said when asked:

Not only that, but a hint for March’s party will likely be revealed tomorrow. What do you think it is?

While I look forward to knowing what March’s party will be, I think Club Penguin teases things that are too far out into the future. After all, we have to finish the Prehistoric Party and the Fair until it’s time for March’s party! It’s quite some time away…

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I do look foward to both things!
I haven’t met Penguin Band and I need their four stamps to complete my mascot stamps!
But its pretty awkward that they are coming during the fair,someone look Rookie should be coming…

Club Penguin Rules

Club Penguin Rules

I am So Glad That The Penguin Band Is Coming They Are My Favourites! I Can’t Wait To See Them Again It Will Be The Best Fair Ever!!!



OMG! This is HUGE! I mean the fact that the Penguin Band is coming next month and the March Party clue? SO HUGE!



March’s party is Muppet’s Takeover… The main story of Muppet’s 2, is about a mystery in a airplane trip… I saw it in a movie site :)



Because this mystery in Muppets 2, Polo Field and Spike Hike are talking about clues and “March party is a mystery”. This make sense or not?



If you don’t trust me, just search “Muppets 2” and comprove it.



I waited this moment after 3 years of failing to meet them, i’m gonna meet the penguin band!!! the last mascots i need to meet!!! :D



Probably a Muppets Party. :(