Arctic White Confirmed To Released At Holiday Party 2012
Hooray, we now have an official release timeframe for the Arctic White colour! We were told it would be released by the end of 2012, but not when. Spike Hike has now confirmed on Twitter that it will be released during the Holiday Party which kicks off in a week and a half from now. Yay!
Thanks Coolpool79!
Do you watch WWE
I think it’s going to be for members during the party and then in the January 2012 penguin style..
like the brown puffle was members during the Wilderness Expedtion,then in the Puffle Catalog the next month.
January 2013- sorry
But I thought there will be a “new Experience” not just ” You Found Arctic White? Would you like to pick it up” thing.
I don’t know, we’ll find out for sure soon enough.
If you got clothes it may look cool :D also useful on herbert costume and yeti costume,and if you dont got any clothes on then it will look the same as people that hack to get it
it may look cool and useful
Cant wait to see how it will look like on my penguin!
It’ll be Arctic White! :P
Yay that was me
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you spelled huray wrong
Actually no, hooray is the correct spelling. :)
actually, train, its Hurray. :)
I guess it has multiple ways of spelling:
probably have to get a code and unlock it online
would we get it for free or 60 coins?
would we get it for free or 60 coins? And btw, i knew it was coming to a party.
I don’t know, we’ll find out soon!
I think it will be free at the party, and 20 coins when the party is over.
On 25th December, all the MEMBERS will get this as a free item, then on January they will probably make it for all.
Train since i dont have twitter could you ask spike this: Spike i know the color Arctic white is being released on the holiday party but how can you get it?Is it the christmas gift?
imagine a new rare penguin is coming up with the color artic white?
– Shera54321