July 2012 Pay Day

By / July 1, 2012

Wow, can you believe it is already July? I sure can’t believe 2012 is already half over! Anywho, since it is the first day of the month as long as you’re an EPF agent you will receive 350 coins and as long as you’re a tour guide you will receive 250 coins. This means you can earn a maximum of 600 coins.

What do you plan to purchase with your coins? I’m spending them on Marvel costumes.

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There was the guy on cp saying that a new yellow lei was coming -_- he was probably lying.. just letting you know :D



I have found a major bug that club penguin made when they made this week’s field op: if you stand on the ski hill to the right of the post after you accept your field op, your spy phone will ring and when you click on it,it does not show the field op.