Happy 5 Years, Trainman1405! [and an update]

By / August 3, 2011

Guess what? 5 years ago on this day I joined Club Penguin! If you take 1825 and divide it by 365 you get get the number 5, meaning my penguin is 5 years old. I actually joined on August 4 2006, but due to the leap year in 2008 my penguin is 5 years old today, on August 3. As you can see, I’ve been playing Club Penguin quite a while…heh…

Anyway, I just wanted to give a quick site update on a few things

  • I recently added an igloo music button. Click it and click a song name. Like it? You can always click a certain area to top the music, and click the tape again to close the music list. If you want to add it to your own blog (you need wordpress.org) you can get the code from here.
  • Last week I posted a poll asking if I should do game guide pages. A majority of you said yes so that will all be worked on soon.
  • I might be needed a few temporary authors soon, either next week or at the end of the month, so stay tuned just in case!
  • I just posted a new On This Day In Club Penguin History.
  • Some more theories/exclusive things have been posted recently.
  • Finally, in honor of my penguin turning 5 years I’ll be posting some Club Penguin Memoirs, in which I recall things about me on Club Penguin and tell it in story form. Look for those soon. :)

That’s all for now!


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Wow, you’ve been of Club Penguin for awhile now! My penguin is 1518 days old as of today XD



Not bad!