Club Penguin Upcoming Blue Color?
A few years ago in a Club Penguin Blog post about DJ3K, it had an unreleased color, a shade of blue. After a little bit of searching I managed to find the image. A few days after Club Penguin posted this image they replaced it with another penguin color. This was the last we heard of this color…
…until now? When activating new Club Penguin accounts the penguin has a color that is VERY similar to the blue penguin above. It is not aqua or light blue, so what could it be? Do you think we’ll see this color any time soon? I sure hope so, even though we have a lot of blue colors already!
UPDATE: If you view Club Penguin’s swf file for Dance Contest, this penguin color will appear.
Thanks, Brookelas!
I thought that was light blue But correct me if I’m wrong.
Also looks like the penguin at the first screen of the Snowcone game…
I have more evidence that this might be real! Please give credit, and follow ALL instructions.
1) Click on the following link:
2) Wait for the game to load
3} Play NEW GAME
4) Play the Generic Way
5} Go to Medium mode
6) Look at the penguin!
That’s interesting…I’ll look into it more. :)
Here is the picture for the Pale Blue (that’s what I’m calling it) penguin at the beginning of Snow Cone.
I think there is WAY too much evidence for Pale Blue to not be a color in the future.
Indeed. xD
I think it’s more like Club Penguin’s default colour. Remember the gray color rumor?
That looks like Aqua to me, and thats not an upcoming color because it won in the 2009 color vote.
It’s turquoise the color that the penguin is wearing.