
By / January 1, 2011

Fantastic news everybody – I’ve gotten the website completely up to date, aside from a few needed tweaks, which you can read below. Let me give you a rundown on how I’ll operate this website.

Basically, I’ll be posting what’s new in Club Penguin as soon as the updates are out as well as do the pages for parties, newspapers, catalogs, etc. I will post first, and a few hours or a day or two later do the pages. So if you want, feel free to add this website to your bookmarks as your brand new Club Penguin Cheats website!

Now, there’s another thing I need to do: get this website popular. The hit counter does have over 200,000 hits, but it’s counting the hits from the old Piczo website and the original WordPress website. I get between 50-100 views on here today. So if you have a Twitter Account, would you mind clicking this to spread the word? Or if you want, you can add this banner to your Club Penguin Website. The HTML code for it is below.

Club Penguin Memories

<a href="" title="Club Penguin Memories"><img alt="Club Penguin Memories" src="" title="Club Penguin Memories" /></a>

Now, here are the few tweaks and whatnot I have left. Please note I do not need any help.

  • Fix a few hyperlinks
  • Fix a few images so they don’t stretch the page like this.
  • Oh, and one last thing. Would you mind checking out my friend Dalton’s Club Penguin Forum? My username there is iWaddle.

    Thanks so much, and lets hope for the best this year. 2011, here we come!


    Leave a Response



    Hey! Nice site! Keep up the great work!

    Pingu Pingey

    Pingu Pingey

    Yup cool site, d’ya think you could visit my party which is in a few mins plz? Like an hour? Click my name to find out da info. Its gonna be a last, don’ wanna miss it!!

    King Hazard

    King Hazard

    Oldddd post xD



    ill say!