May 16, 2016 Penguin of the Week: Musicalmel03
This week’s Penguin of the Week, Musicalmel03, was nominated to be Penguin of the Week by Shadow55652.
Here is their nomination for her:
“Hi Megg!!! I would like to nominate Musicalmel03. She always is there for others and when I am feeling sad she always cracks me up! She used to go to my school but then she moved away.Cp helps me keep in touch with her. This is why I nominate Musicalmel03!! :) #KIT – Shadow55652”
Congratulations on being Penguin of the Week!
Want to nominate a player for Penguin of the Week? Comment on the Club Penguin Blog with their penguin username and why they deserve it. Who knows, the Club Penguin Team may end up picking the player you nominated! All winners receive 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background.