UFO Power Supply Now Rebuilt at 2016 Prehistoric Party
With the rehistoric Party now wrapping up, now when you sign in to Club Penguin Gary will appear and say the UFO’s power supply has been rebuilt.
Indeed, onboard the spacecraft there are many power fragments being held together by duct tape.
The Prehistoric Party will end this Wednesday, February the 3rd.
Woah dot made items that look the same from the future party a coincidence I think not! These are from the prehistoric party and those were from the future party defiantly makes sense :P
I now realize auto changed defiently to defiantly oh well :P
This means that she created the items now in 2016 and they still exist in the future, in 4014
i think the costume first appeared at the marvel superhero party because of the giant meteor that crashed
No, you are wrong, appeared first in Future Party 2014
in the first caption box you put puffs instead of puffles
Thank you for pointing that out! Fixed.
Actually, it is possible that Dot created those items.
Dot first created them in 2016 and it was released for the first time…
..And then in 4014, it was re-released!
I like the way you think. :P