Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 Cheat: Deactivate the Rockhopper Mascbot

By / October 23, 2015

It’s time to deactivate the third mascbot! Today you need to put a stop to the Rockhopper one.

Signing on Club Penguin today will make Rockhopper appear.

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Avast! Thar be a crazed robot that think it be me! Set sails for the Forest, matey.

Once at the Forest click Rockhopper.

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Scare that scurvy bot with a fearsome Pink Flamingo! They love competition, so look for a place with teams.


Yay, a vague hint! I like that. You need to got to the Stadium to find the Pink Flamingo.

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Go back to the Forest, click on the Rockhopper mascbot, then solve the puzzle by linking the terminals.

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After that you’re done and can collect your free item(s).

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Check back tomorrow for a guide on the next mascbot!

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