A Sneak Peek of #ProjectSuperSecret: Clothing Customiser

By / June 30, 2015

Club Penguin Blogger Riyita, who owns the website Club Penguin Space, took a trip to Kelowna for his birthday last week and visited Club Penguin. He got a lot of sneak peeks, including one relating to #ProjectSuperSecret!

We still don’t really know what #ProjectSuperSecret is since Club Penguin is tight lipped on it, but here’s a video clip of a clothing customiser that’s involved:

You can see Riyita’s full blog post on his website.

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zoom zoom103

zoom zoom103

oh for the love of God and all that’s holy PLEASE tell me that that stupid 3D thing was just for testing (I’m sorry but unless u REALLY know what the heck ur doing u should NOT try to go after 3D graphics cause if u fail u look like an idiot and u hurt peoples eyes and sense we know CP has no idea wat their doing with graphics anymore (cough cough 2013-now online) why would they attempt this?)



Like Riyita said in his post, “It’s still very early”.



Guess #ProjectSuperSecret Isn’t So “SuperSecret” Anymore.



Lol, true.

Red498 (@Red498CP)

Red498 (@Red498CP)

It’s now #ProjectPrettyMuchPublic now.



Am I the only one that is not amused by this? As much as this might be the first step to something new, it’s nowhere impressive considering the teasing-build that was made so far. From what I can get from this, this seems to be made in the Unity Engine (the buttons on the bottom are very similar to the stock ones from Unity) which makes it even more less amusing because making a color changing feature in Unity can be achieved in the space of 20 minutes. For reference: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Color.html

I assume they have much bigger plans, but even so, this seems like something very raw for what seems to be a two year hype building, even the models seem… not strong at all and although it is indeed hard to get a decent art style in 3D for a professional company they could have probably done better. It’s sad to say, but they still have a long way to go, and based on current events, their time is slightly running out.

Cookies :3

Cookies :3

The Graphics look pretty bad.(no offense) I really hope this doesn’t come to desktop,and instead just an improvement for mobile >.<

Pirate 53

Pirate 53

Project Super Failure is what i’ll call it.

