Club Penguin Star Wars Day Meetup
May the 4th is Star Wars Day, so today the team is hosting two meetups! One’s on the computer and the other is on mobile. Here’s the blog post from Megg with the details:
Today is the day that fans far and wide can join together and celebrate all things Star Wars™. We have our own super fans around Club Penguin HQ, so we’ll definitely see some Star Wars characters wandering around the office – pretty sure I just saw some Stormtroopers stroll by…
We’ll be having two online meet-ups today, one on desktop computers and one on the Club Penguin app. So if you’re a fan of Star Wars, then you’re invited! Wear your favorite Star Wars themed outfit and don’t forget to decorate your igloo too – I’ve got mine ready :D
Here are the meet-up times:
Desktop computer: 1:00 pm Penguin Standard Time in the Town on the server Arctic.
Club Penguin app: 2:00 pm Penguin Standard Time in the Town.
Let us know in the comments which character you’re dressing up as!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
Will you be attending?
Typo! the tea should be the team!
Good catch. Thanks!
I’ll be dressing up as Spock.
Ha. :P
May the Fourth be with you. Thorry.. I juth have my retainer on.
Well, I want to attend, but yet another meetup is during school, even though I asked CP to make the times later in the day! Now, it’s even worse!
Have you seen Star Wars yet?
Saw it too late.
Hope they had fun!
Why don’t you usually come to the meetups CP holds?
I don’t have the time to.
Oh. Also, do you have another CP account?
Not really, I just keep a friend’s account up-to-date since he quit.
Oh. It would be great if you could add me on that account since Trainman1405 is full.
Sure, send Pinguiny a request and I’ll accept it the next time I log on the account.
Were you hacked by Nullrouted?
I wasn’t hacked, it was just a DDoS.
I’m not a Star Wars fan but I do like the Inquisiters light saber and Darth Vader is pretty cool :)