Minor Club Penguin Updates: Login Screen, Post Cards, and Pay Day
Along with Club Penguin’s updates this week such as the new newspaper and new pin, there are also a few minor updates. They’ve added a cool new login screen showing the island and saying welcome. I think this is one of Club Penguin’s best login screens they have ever made.
Another update is Club Penguin has replaced the puffle postcards even though the party is still going on.
The other minor update occurred yesterday. Being the 1st of April, it was Pay Day – no joke. ;)
Thanks to Pengupalchum for telling me about the login screen!
Thanks for the credit!
Btw they ( finally ) fixed the EPF spy phone bug + new message from Rookie + New club penguin code MONKEY4U ( gets you the new monkey costume ) + check your Twitter ( so many updates! )
the closed eyes of the puffle statues kinda looked like butts