April 2, 2015 Penguin of the Week – Twizzler50

By / April 2, 2015

Happy Penguin of the Week day! This week’s lucky featured penguin is Twizzler50. Here’s why she was selected:

Twizzler50 is an expert Puffle carer, party planner, and fashionista. Can you keep a secret? She’s also an expert EPF Agent, ready to defend the Island at a moment’s notice! But that’s not all – she’s also a loyal friend.


As a reward for being Penguin of the Week she received 10,000 coins and the exclusive Penguin of the Week background.

If there is someone you’d like to nominate for Penguin of the Week you can do so by commenting on the Club Penguin Blog with their username and why they should be picked.

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I think Nirrissa should be POTW because she was super duper nice to me and tried to nominate me so I think she should be appretiated. I nominate her. She is always up to play and always is nice to each and every penguin on CP. I really hope she is the next POTW cause she is the best friend anyone could have.