Recent Minor Club Penguin Updates: Pay Day, Postcards, Login Screen, and Homepage
We’re now nine days into March and since then Club Penguin has had a handful of minor updates that I have yet to post, so I’m going to mention all of them here.
The first minor update happened on the first of March. Pay day! EPF agents received 350 coins and tour guides received 250 coins.
The second minor update has to do with the postcards. March is all about puffles, so the featured postcards has been updated with three pages of puffle themed postcards that you can send to other players. Page 1:
Page 2:
Page 3:
Club Penguin has released a new login screen advertising how membership gives you unlimited access in all four of their mobile apps. There is a bug where there’s only half of a cat puffle…
The same login screen is now a homepage slide. The homepage now also advertises the new clothing catalogue and that members can adopt every colour of puffle.
Thanks Belly18 for reminding me about these minor updates!
Am I the only one who sees the login screen on the homepage in Spanish?
That *was* a bug, but they fixed it. Clear your cache and it should appear in English.