March 12, 2015 EPF Message From Gary
Yesterday Gary sent out a message to all EPF agents. If you check your spy phone you will see it.
It reads:
I’ve managed to restore all of our EPF systems. Mostly by turning them off and then on again.
It took you four months to do that?
Lol! Does anybody disagree that all Club Penguin’s excuses for laziness are…lazy?
Zzzzzzzzz… Wha? I was sleeping for 4 months! I have to write a spy phone message now or I’ll get fired! Oh, I know, I’ll blame the laziness on Gary!
C’mon Gary! You’re better than this! :/
Did Gary also use duct tape? :P
I just realized…Pi Day is on March 14 (3/14) and π = 3.14.
Clever, right?
That’s why March 14th is Pi Day. :P
Find Gary or Rookie during the Pi(e) Day is hard. I know we said to CP stop with meet up times and make mascots harder to find but……. NOT SO HARD!!!
I actually laughed for that part of “Turning everything off and then on again” x) but anyway what did he fix? EPF quests?