Ninja Has Deleted His Twitter Account
First he stopped tweeting like Megg, Polo Field, Daffodaily, Lilac Ren, and Chattabox, and now he’s taken things a step further. Sometime within the past few days Ninja from the Club Penguin Team deleted his Twitter account. Now if you try to to go to his profile, Ninjachat3, it will say the page no longer exists. This is because he deactivated his Twitter account.
Thanks Penguin 43 and Tech 70!
MAYBE just MAYBE they stopped using their twitter acount’s before of #projectsupersecret ? its might be something similar to Twitter but then CP style, they are testing This projectsuperSecret as we speak so yeah maybe its that the reason why they stopped tweeting :)
They also deleted the 3 monthly stuff on the membership page, like what usually happens for the month
That update happened several weeks ago. :)
He never tweeted anything anyways…
Blog post tweets :P